Canada In A Day
2 of Parow’s Videos were accepted into the CTV production called “Canada In A Day”
Canada In A Day
By: Lorraine Parow, photographer.
Filing day was September 10th, 2016. No matter where you were in the country, or in the world, you grabbed your camera and filmed yourselves, your friends and family, your life.
I submitted several videos and 2 made the cut!
Canada In A Day will be aired annually. First airing on June 25, 2017, 8/7C
What is Canada In A Day
Canada In A Day will be a CTV special created entirely from videos made by Canadians in one day, over 24 hours, and will reflect our thoughts, hopes, and lives. It will be a Canadian made celebration of Canada for our 150th anniversary.
TWO of Parow’s videos made the cut from over 16,818 submissions!
The two videos: 1. Mom with her beloved apples 2. El. flying the Canadian flag with her hockey stick.

CTV asked Canadians four questions:
- What do you love?
- What do you fear?
- What do you hope for?
- What does Canada mean to you?
On September 10th, 2016 Canadians grabbed their cameras and filmed their lives. People from coast to coast to coast contributed.
Over 11,500 videos – from special occasions to simple moments were shared, and we are now editing them into a video time capsule of Canada.
This will be a film that celebrates our country as it turns 150 years old.
Here are some fun facts:
16,818 – Total number of videos received
1,861 – Total number of family-related videos received – making it the #1 subject matter for Canadians in terms of video uploads
13 – Total number of days it would take to watch all videos consecutively
2:01:58 – Longest running video received at a file size of 37.5 GB
301 – Total number of wedding videos received
283 – Total number of birthday and hockey videos received
100 – Total number of military-related videos received
34 – Rainbows captured on film day
22 – Total number of countries outside of Canada videos were uploaded from including the U.S. with 45 videos uploaded, France (22), U.K. (19), Mexico (13), and Kuwait (7). Other countries include as far wide as Ethiopia, Thailand, Spain, Egypt, Lithuania, and Pakistan. Half were from Canadians living abroad and half from those visiting other countries on film day (Sept. 10, 2016)
7 – Video submissions received with American Sign Language
4 – Total number of birth videos (2) and engagement videos (2) received
1 – First date and breakup videos received