Things I see through the lens, you will find here. They are special imagery projects I have immersed myself in.
This personal project CAN150eh! that I was working on for fun gave me an additional opportunity. This opportunity was a contest that was announced nation wide on TV. The contest was to shoot videos on a specific date. The content of the video was to answer a question, What Do I Love About Canada. I…
A few images shot while in New York City, this spring.
Sunrise shooting for fun. It’s an open competition to shoot images around the question; ‘What do I love about Canada’. And so this day I got up before sunrise and began a whole day of photographing my answers to this question. This is one of my Answers: Women’s Hockey. This day I dedicate to having fun…
Streetcars Article by: Brian E. Sullivan Photo: Parowpictures Image: unsharpened, low res. Streetcars began operation in Canada during the era of horse-powered local transportation, expanded rapidly with electrification, shrank with a public policy switch in favour of rubber-tired vehicles, and recently re-emerged as light rail transit. Street railways (also known as streetcars or trams) began…